Configure and activate the Transcription Connector integration

Fonctionnalité à venir

To use your preferred third-party transcription provider using the Transcription Connector integration in Genesys Cloud, you must first add and configure the integration.

Note: You can configure up to 10 Transcription Connector integration instances for an organization.
  1. Cliquez sur Admin. 
  2. Sous Intégrations, cliquez sur Intégrations.
  3. Cliquez sur  intégration.
  4. Search for or navigate to the Transcription Connector integration. 
  5. In the Transcription Connector tile, click Install.
    Note: A message appears and informs you that the integration installed successfully. The Transcription Connector integration opens to the Details tab.
  6. (Optional) In the Details tab, Genesys highly recommends that you enter a unique name for the integration that you want to configure. For example, “Transcription Connector – Third-party transcription provider name”.
  7. Cliquez sur onglet la Configuration.
  8. On the Properties tab, fill in the connection URI details.
  9. Ajoutez les informations d’identification :
    1. Cliquez sur l'onglet Lettres de créance .
    2. Cliquez sur Configurer. La boîte de dialogue Configurer les informations d’identification s’ouvre.
    3. Enter the API key and client secret.
    4. Cliquez sur D’accord.
  10. Cliquez sur Sauvegarder. 
  11. To activate the Transcription Connector integration, in the Status column click Inactive. The Change Status dialog box opens.
  12. Cliquez sur Oui. Le statut de l'intégration devient Active.